Patient list | | Glossary of terms Blackland Prairie Raptor Center
24-0138 Problems Notes Costs
Admission date2024-04-19
Final date -
Days in captivity18
SpeciesGHOW - Great horned owl
BandYellow band L #7

Cause of injury: Unknown

Found in Mineral Wells,TX
Palo Pinto county
Here is a summary of this patient's treatments and expenses:

Daily rate1830.00540.00
Fecal exam120.0020.00
Total  645.00

Costs are estimates based on fees charged at a local avian specialist.
Radiographs and images
No images for this patient
2024-05-07 10:37 mb
Leftovers: 28
Group entry: 4 animals
Fed 358g M +Vitahawk
Place 1/2 in nestbox and 1/2 on food tray

2024-05-06 10:30 gem
Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 4 animals
Fed 360g M +Vitahawk
Place 1/2 in nestbox and 1/2 on food tray

2024-05-05 12:01 KC
Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 4 animals
Fed 360g M +Vitahawk
Place 1/2 in nestbox and 1/2 on food tray

2024-05-04 16:00 KN
Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 4 animals
Fed 360g M +Vitahawk
Place 1/2 in nestbox and 1/2 on food tray
Replace water

2024-05-03 11:49 KL

Group entry: 4 animals
Fed 360g M +Vitahawk
Place 1/2 in nestbox and 1/2 on food tray

Placed 1/2 in nest box and 1/2 on tray

2024-05-03 11:47 KL
Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 4 animals
Fed 360g M +Vitahawk
Place 1/2 in nestbox and 1/2 on food tray

2024-05-02 09:47 KM/AH
Leftovers: 50
Group entry: 4 animals
Fed 366g M +Vitahawk
Place 1/2 in nestbox and 1/2 on food tray
50g l/o

2024-05-01 14:57 wr/mc
Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 4 animals
Fed 294g M +Vitahawk
Place 1/2 in nestbox and 1/2 on food tray

2024-05-01 11:06 OK/HML
Weight: 788 grams, Leftovers: 0
Food: 90g M gutless (+ Vitahawk)
Moved to LF2 in the nestbox

Band changed to: Yellow band L #7

2024-04-30 09:34 OK
Leftovers: 0
Food: 90g M gutless (+ Vitahawk)

2024-04-29 15:01 OK
Leftovers: 0
Food: 90g M gutless (+ Vitahawk)

2024-04-28 10:51 OK
Leftovers: 0
Food: 90g M gutless (+ Vitahawk)

2024-04-27 10:17 jj
Leftovers: 0
Food: 90g M gutless (+ Vitahawk)
offer at 10:17 a.m.

2024-04-26 14:50 JGM
Leftovers: 16
Food: 90g M gutless (+ Vitahawk)
Sulfadimethoxine: 0.6 mL (50 mg/mL susp) PO

PM Meds 3:00 in food JGM

2024-04-25 15:09 KM
Leftovers: 0
Food: 90g M gutless (+ Vitahawk)
Sulfadimethoxine: 0.6 mL (50 mg/mL susp) PO
Fed at 11:20 am

2024-04-24 12:09 lbw/hml

======= TREATMENT PLAN =======
Sulfadimethoxine: 0.6 mL (50 mg/mL susp) SID PO until 2024-04-26

2024-04-24 12:08 hml
Leftovers: 42
AM meds given 0900 hml
Food: 90g M gutless (+ Vitahawk)
Sulfadimethoxine: 0.6 mL (50 mg/mL susp) PO

2024-04-23 13:09 KW
Leftovers: 0
Fed w/meds in diet: 10:25am DD
Food: 120g M gutless (+ Vitahawk)
Sulfadimethoxine: 0.6 mL (50 mg/mL susp) PO

2024-04-22 12:11 MC

======= TREATMENT PLAN =======
Sulfadimethoxine: 0.6 mL (50 mg/mL susp) SID PO until 2024-04-26

2024-04-22 10:04 KH
Leftovers: 0
Food: 120g M gutless + Vitahawk

0.6 mL Albon PO at 1:05 pm

Collection date2024-04-22
ResultsPOS for

2024-04-21 09:22 OK
Leftovers: 0
Food: 120g gutless M + Vitahawk

2024-04-20 10:20 JJ
Leftovers: 0
Food: 120 M gutless + Vitahawk fed at 9:43

2024-04-19 17:06 JM

======= TREATMENT PLAN =======
No treatment plan specified

2024-04-19 12:05 JM
Weight: 598 grams, BCS: 2.0

------------- PHYSICAL EXAM FINDINGS ----------------
Behavior and Neuro: BARF, standing and ambulating appropiately
Mouth stringy
Nares NSF
Ears NSF
Left PLR: ++
Left menace response: ++
Left cornea: stain neg
Right PLR: ++
Right menace reponse: ++
Right cornea: stain neg
Wings NSF
Legs NSF

Gave 10ml LRS SQ in back
offered 120g M gutless c/u d

Version 3.1.5 - 3.18.43 Tue May 07 15:36:14 2024